Sittin' on a Bag of Seeds

Sittin' on a bag of seeds.

Sittin' on a bag of seeds.

Sittin' on a bag of seeds.

Everybody now!

Sittin' on a bag of seeds!
Sittin' on a bag of seeds!
Sittin' on a bag of seeds!

(Have you ever watched the Little Rascals?)

Sittin' on a bag of seeds, and boy, do they ever smell great!

Yes. Yes I have completely lost my mind.


  1. Sitting on them bag of seeds, might introduce some sort of narcotic effect, you know like good ol' oud??

    Loosing minds, thinks alike. Mine must be gone too;-)

  2. Ha! Anytime I get something smelly in the mail I feel as if I've been drugged! But a big old sack of stinky seeds ~ ah! My granddaughter was here and she was almost as excited as I was about them, pushing me aside to bury her face in the open bag. Then she wanted to plunge her arms into the seeds. I didn't let her, of course, but I could see the madness in her eyes!


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