Life Is But a Dream, Sweetheart!
Been working on some projects here, scheduling visits and such with different West Coast perfumers . . . working on something grand, my friends. You'll love what comes of this, and I love that I have such super amazing friends who are generous and open-hearted and willing to stick their bums out a bit -- for me! Not being on the internet so much has been a bit of a revelation. First, I found that I don't have to work so hard to get things done because my time isn't tied up with keeping up; second, I found that my creative spark has ignited to an inferno! Who'd have thunk it, eh? But I do miss you all. Miss the private notes and phone chats. Which is why I'm scheduling visits! I want to see you in your element, preserve the time forever. The ultimate goal of all these visits, the reward, is going to be so -- so -- so spectacular!
Oh, and about that labdanum review, back-and-forth thing -- I have no idea when that's going to happen. My big labdanum shipment is floating off the coast of Crete, apparently, and nobody knows exactly where . . . I guess. Anyway, when it gets here, I promise a write-up!
XO to my besties --->
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