NOT about Perfume . . .

But noteworthy.

Urban gardens. Do it. Make one. Hire someone to make one for you, whatever it takes, grow your own food. Perhaps one of the top 20 most satisfying things in life is picking tomatoes and patty pan squash, or whatever you're growing, straight out of your own food garden. We've got several different varieties of tomatoes in various stages of growth, from little youngsters in full vegetative state to full grown mothers sprouting tomatoes every five minutes. There's also a huge cucumber plant spreading no fewer than 12 feet across popping out with blossoms and teeny little cukes, a jalapeno doing the salsa, cilantro, sage, chives, and wonder of wonders, those cute little "name that squash" plants that turned out to be patty pans! We've also got pumpkins and watermelon going like mad, and an ancho chili and a bell pepper. We live in a great growing area and can grow these crops up to and through October, then the fall plantings begin with lettuces (lettuci?) and snow peas and whatever other cool loving crops we can find.

And we're planning a hothouse for those more delicate plants.

So not about perfume, no, but worthy, very worthy of note. While the backyard is designated for grocery growing, the front is designated for perfumery with jasmine and hyacinth and peppertree and roses. Perhaps a little about perfume and a lot about self-sustainability.


  1. Ah, you made my day :)

    I am nursing an Abelmoschus moschatus seedling right now in the patio. And am waiting to see if I can pop a Cistus ladanifer out of the germinating tray and into a real pot this week, too. Do you have space in your front yard for more aromatics? If I can get a few more of these kids to sprout their groove thang I'm happy to send 'em along. When the weather's cooler.

  2. Oooh, abelmoschus! Yes, I have room. Heck, I'll make room. I've got monkey grass growing where it ought not, so I can pull them up (give them to mom as she's partial to monkey grass) and plant other, smellier things.


  3. Yay! I've little idea about growing Abelmoschus, but if it is like most other hibiscus it'll like it warm and maybe a bit of mist with a sprayer. Cistus was made for your climate, though. This way Creticus will have some siblings :)


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