Cupid's Book

What Doctors, Nurses and Women Who Use


Think of It for Feminine Hygiene


Takara Laboratories, Portland, Oregon:
Enclosed find $1.00 for which please send me a box of TAKARA Powder. Does any drug store in Seattle handle the TAKARA preparations? I have inquired at many drug stores here and have been offered many powders which they said were just as good. However, I do not agree with them.

Mrs. C.M.D.

Takara Laboratories, Portland, Oregon.
Dear Sir:
I have used all kinds of antiseptics but have found TAKARA to be the very best as it is safe to use and you don't have to be afraid of the children getting poisoned on it. Ever since I found out about TAKARA I have used nothing else altho I only discovered it two years ago by my sister getting one of the samples. It is a wonderful thing to have at all times. None of these women whose names I am sending have ever used it. Will you please send each one a sample, hoping they'll like it as well as my sister and I do. The best is none too good and we're satisfied that TAKARA is the best ever.

Mrs. R.M.L.

Takara Laboratories, Portland, Oregon:
Have you an agent here in Sioux City for TAKARA? I bought a box of it in Waterloo, Iowa, over a year ago and I think it is the best antiseptic power that was ever made. I thought that if you did not have one here, I would try to sell some. Have given several samples of mine away and my friends are anxious for more. Hoping to hear from you by return mail, I am,

Mrs. E.G.O.

Takara Laboratories, Portland, Oregon:
Permit me to compliment you on having produced in your TAKARA POWDER an article of real merit. It is a pleasure to be able to recommend a preparation of this character--which I do, as a routine procedure, in cases requiring this form of medication. It is my experience that the use of TAKARA POWDER gives patients more general satisfaction than any similar preparation on the market. It is particularly effective in Leucorrhea and all forms of catarrhal infection of the vaginal tract--as well as ulcerative conditions around the neck of the uterus. I have no objection to your making use of this letter as advertising material if you so desire,

W.E.S. (M.D.)

Takara Laboratories, Portland, Oregon:
Having used TAKARA Powder and knowing how wonderful it is, I am recommending same to a friend in Los Angeles. Would you please send a 50c box of the Power and a small box of the suppositories to her C.O.D.?

Mrs. R.M.J.

"Personal Hygiene for Health"

TAKARA HYGIENIC POWDER is an ethical treatment prepared by expert chemists, using only the purest ingredients. Its chief use is in the treatment of inflamed, ulcerated or catarrhal conditions of the mucous membranes.

Practically every woman finds it necessary to use medicated douche, and for this purpose, NOTHING HAS BEN DISCOVERED THAT EQUALS TAKARA HYGIENIC POWDER.

It has a cleansing, cooling and soothing effect that is indescribable, and it adds wonderfully to the personal comfort of the user.

NO Disease is So Common to Women as Leuccorrhea or Whites

There is none that is so generally dreaded. Nearly every woman knows its danger.

A Few Treatments With Takara Hygienic Powder Will Relieve Any Ordinary Case

TAKARA HYGIENIC POWDER is superb for the treatment of diseases of women, such as VULVITUS, VAGINITIS, CERVICITUS or an infection in the genito-urinary tract.

Before TAKARA HYGIENIC POWDER was placed on the market, women ran terrible chances by using dangerous poisons for douches. Instances are known where women have been dangerously burned with carbolic acid, causing abcesses and blood poisoning. Now, women need have no fear of poisoning or burns, for they can use TAKARA as a douche and know that is is better in every way.

The disagreeable odor of some, as well as the terrible danger from poisoning and burns through having carbolic acid or bichloride of mercury tablets in and about the home, are forever done away with when TAKARA HYGIENIC POWDER is employed, because it is absolutely NON-POISONOUS, HAS A PLEASANT ODOR, and is PERFECTLY SAFE, if it should fall into the hands of children by mistake.


DOUCHE--The usual strength prescribed is a teaspoonful, dissolved in a quart of hot water. Use in a fountain syringe, night and morning.

CYSTITIS--Douche of one teaspoonful TAKARA POWDER to two quarts of very warm water, two times a day. Take douches slowly in a reclining position. Warm sitz bath on retiring.

OVARIAN IRRITATION--Take TAKARA DOUCHES regularly, night and morning. Insert TAKARA ANTISEPTIC SUPPOSITORY on retiring. Follow above directions persistently and an operation may be avoided.

SORE THROAT, COMMON--Gargle throat every two or three hours with solution of one teaspoonful of TAKARA POWDER to a pint of water, hot or cold, as desired.

BAD BREATH--Use a solution of one level teaspoonful of TAKARA POWDER to a pint of water, use as a gargle and mouth wash, three times a day.

CANKER--Apply TAKARA POWDER direct to canker, or put one half a level teaspoonful of TAKARA POWDER in a half-cupful of water and use as a mouth wash before and after meals.

DEODORANT--Use a solution of one heaping teaspoonful of TAKARA POWDER to a pint of water.

SKIN IRRITATIONS--Usually skin irritations are caused by heat, cheap soap, or tight clothing. Sometimes, they are due to acid fruits, food, or liquids. To allay itching and inflammation, bathe affected parts frequently with a solution of one-half teaspoonful of TAKARA POWDER in half a pint of warm water.

AS A FOOT BATH--For tender, aching or sweaty feet, dissolve one teaspoonful in a gallon of warm water, soaking feet a few moments. Let dry without wiping.

Do not take a chance by using the old-fashioned ordinary tissue destroying germicide. Ask your physician or druggist. He will tell you how healing, soothing, refreshing TAKARA is. It is a boon to womankind.

Cupid's Book, TAKARA DOUCHE advertisement, 1929


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