Special Things To Do To Kyphi

Since taking Dora Goldsmith's Kyphi class, I've been adding a tiny bit of oil to each Kyphi I make as per an ingredient she says they used (I think it was grape seed oil), and this practice of including oil has led to a whole host of possibilities with the inclusion of oils to the body of the incense. Extra virgin organic olive oil is the oil addition I normally use, but today I'm using a long-stewing infusion of datura leaves and flowers, just a bit, to raise the vibration of the work and see what mischief it makes. I think this is the best way to add these magical elements to a magical incense as dosing is much more precise. Again, I think it is a better way to infuse the work with these magical elements. For one, you don't have to handle the more toxic materials, it is simply a matter of sucking up a small bit in a syringe and squirting it all over a body of work, and then working the material into the incense with gloved hands. Safety first. Also, I would never, ever put enough of any nightshade material into an incense in any amount that would cause harm. It's the magical intent here that is just as important. Now that I know datura a little better, I shudder knowing that as a child I would gather the datura flowers barehanded from the field behind our country house, and my mother would put them into a glass milk bottle from Harpain's dairy until they wilted, which was usually the next day. She was never an alarmist about datura, but she did know they were poisonous, and would always make me wash my hands for a few minutes with soap after handling them, and before I headed out to collect black widow spiders in the fuse box for my 'bug collection' ~ ha!

But seriously, think of the possibilities available if you include a bit of infusion oil into the body of Kyphi -- it could be anything; an infusion of oakmoss and tobacco, or mandrake root, or the jasmine sambac from your garden. You could create a crazy specific magical infusion oil to add to the Kyphi, something that takes it up a notch, something that no one else is doing. I challenge you to do it. Meditate on it a while, and let the materials talk to you and tell you what they want, then create your infused oil Kyphi and see what dreams it makes.


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