The Way of the Dropper

I'm back! Not really. I'm just checking in to let you know I haven't been abducted by aliens or moved to a cave in the woods. 

So, what have I been doing? Writing. Bouncing from one document to another, writing a few hours in this one, and then moving on to write a few hours in another, and so on and so on. I haven't touched the organ to do anything more than experiment a bit. I applied to a perfume workshop out of the country and my application was denied. Turns out I'm 'already a famous perfumer' and don't need the help. It got me thinking about essential professions that require CEUs to retain licensure and how we might get something like that going in the future. It also got me wondering about art and its subjectiveness, and how there are dozens of artist retreats designed to cater to 'famous artists' and neophytes, but natural perfumery is left out. So had I been a baby perfumer, I could apply to and attend perfumery workshops and classes all over the world, gain knowledge, and develop my own way of perfumery, but if I'm already known, I can kick rocks. 

For the record, the Natural Perfume Academy, where I teach, takes all comers. We have had famous perfumers take the course to brush up and reinspire, and in some cases, share some of their Way of the Dropper. Was I nervous to have them there? I'm not gonna lie, sometimes I was, but what I felt more about it was a sense of camaraderie and cooperation. 


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