Red Kyphi

The latest batch of kyphi is nearly dry enough to store for a while, to give it time to fold in upon itself and raise its energy and its potential. This kyphi is vibrant, more active and less meditative in its 'feel'. The Red Kyphi, as it is now being called, is meant to increase psychic awareness, and if you're not careful, open a doorway between here and 'the other side', aka seeing, speaking, and consorting with the spirits of the dead. The packaging for this kyphi will be different from the previous kyphi blends I've created -- I'm going with glass this time, amber, and I'm shooting for an 18 gram capacity instead of 9, which puts the price range at around $9 USD. I've also chosen not to shape this kyphi into balls or cones as I've discovered through burning my own and others' kyphi that a more energetic burn is achieved with a less shapely kyphi -- loose and chunky seem to burn the best, the more craggy and uneven, the better the burn. So check The Scented Djinn Etsy Apothecary in about a month's time for this new and fabulous Red Kyphi. In the meantime, feast your eyes ~


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