Perfume Stuff

It's that time again, as it happens twice a year, once in March and again in September, The Natural Perfume Academy begins another six-month natural perfumery intensive course, where I teach, tutor, instruct, and encourage students from all over the world in the art of natural perfume making. Yes, it's an art. And a science. And a source of joy and frustration, not always in equal proportions.

Unlike some courses, we do not offer a starter kit or a book. We used to but the logistics of getting dozens of books and kits ready became overwhelming so we pared down the price of the course to reflect the changes and now offer lists of materials to obtain during the first month and a half of the course. The course materials which are mandatory are the basic essences for formulation and a few perfumery tools (bottles, droppers, etc.) During the first unit we include an optional kyphi making tutorial for students interested in creating perfume through smoke, the original par fum ~ incense. Those materials are also purchased separately with the Academy providing source lists to procure them.

We walk our students through each step, from learning about the rich history of perfume making all the way  to the student's final perfume creation, with all sorts of activities and lessons in between that help move the student perfumer toward their goal.

What I like to tell my students upon introduction to the course is 'you get what you put in', but I elaborate on that statement so it's more interesting and descriptive. But in a nutshell. I suppose it's true of everything, we just need to be reminded once in a while.

About the move . . .

. . . I am really FREAKING out! I'm having a hard time sleeping, I'm fretting over the logistics, I have no sounding board (but you), and I'm really and truly losing it. The kid is flaking big time and it looks like I may be paying the rent from October 1 through October 15 on my own instead of the 50/50 split as normal. Plus the electric/gas is in the kid's name, so that will probably be shut off on the 1st, which means I can sleep here in the cold dark gloom every night, but I won't be able to bathe, cook, or clean -- and cleaning is what I am really pulling out my hair over. There's a time frame here in which things should be done, and I'm on it, but the kid is -- as I said before -- flaking big time -- she's never home after I get off work to help, and packing never happens during the day as her excuse is 'I didn't know what you wanted me to do'. Cleaning up a bit would be nice. Stop making messes would be nice. Stop lollygagging would be nice! Collect some boxes, empty drawers, cabinets, cupboards, closets -- look at what you got and made decisions, like keep it, sell it, give it away, or throw it away. How hard is that? Oh yes, I forgot, it interferes with texting and Netflix and the Kardashians -- what was I thinking?!

I need a vacation already. Some Big Sur time with my butt in the Adirondak chair and my feet in the creek and the wind whispering through the redwoods.


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