New New

Got a new computer. It's pretty cool. Does tons more stuff than I need it to do, but now I know I'm good on processing and document storage for a while. It took me a while to figure out how to set it up as I was unaware it was a super gaming system with ports for two monitors. I troubleshot the hell out of it before I figured out I had the monitor plugged into the wrong port. Because there are two. Because I'm a complete nerd like that, right? To an extent, but not quite that far. Two monitors? It just seems like overkill to me, but then I'm not gaming or multi-tasking weird stuff either. I was also surprised to learn that all programs, like Word and Photoshop are either by subscription or completely online now. So no more disks all over the place. No more bootlegs -- hehehehehe. Anyway, I'll catch up to 2016 sometime in 2020, I'm sure of it.

New stuff is happening this year. I'm in the process of working out a schedule for classes. I've got a soap class scheduled for July at the Intermountain Nursery in Prather/Auberry, CA, then series of perfume workshops in Boulder, CO sometime this summer. Haven't really ironed out the details of that one just yet. I'd love to get a few more scheduled, some Kyphi workshops and at least one stick incense workshop. If any of you reading are interested in hosting a workshop or a class, let me know. I'm in a traveling mood this year.


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