OCTOBERLUV2016 15% Coupon Code Discount at TSD Etsy Apothecary

I just wanted to remind anyone bothering to read this wee blog that there is a discount coupon code at The Scented Djinn Etsy Apothecary for 15% off orders over $25. Just enter OCTOBERLUV2016 in the coupon section for your discount.

Today we ride to Fresno to talk to a realtor. It looks like we may be having a house built, something multi-gen so we can comfortably stack bodies (live ones) to share in the expenses and so I'm not rattling around in a big old house by myself when the hubs is off working in far off lands. I've been packing non-essentials, which I'm learning is pretty much everything! There's a charity box for things that are nice and cute, goo gaws and whatnots, that I would normally haul straight to Goodwill, but I'm not liking much how they run their business, so the plan is to take all of the charity stuff to one of the local thrift shops. Clothes I'll take to Goodwill, but stuff goes local.

Not making stuff and packing all of my materials away is excruciatingly emotional. I wake every day ready to get into the studio to put something together and within seconds I realize that's not going to happen. Not today. Not for a few more days. Maybe even months. Aaaahhh! I soothe myself with burning incense in my bedroom on my fancy-pants electric burner from Mermade Magickal Arts on the daily. While packing away the studio hutch, where I store all of my wee jars of Boswellia, I made a point keep them out of the boxes and they sit in their sweet painted jars for their turn on the grill. They are my constant companions, literally, as I carry Boswellia in my purse, in my overnight bag, and in my suitcase wherever I go. Boswellia is my Xanax, my little helper, my drug of choice as it calms me like no pharmaceutical ever has. I sound like a crazy person, but I'm here to tell you, Boswellia works for me. If not for Boswellia and black salt (another issue altogether), I'd be a complete mess over here!

The final incense I created before finding out I had to pack it in was May Zahr, which I fancy myself releasing on the masses in a week or so. It's still pretty gooey, and I'm thinking that's just its nature. I've been burning it on my electric burner for the past few days and I can't even begin to tell you what a gorgeous and sublime scent it is. It's complex and very un-incense-like in terms of traditional styles of incense. And it is 100% natural, which is even more amazing given its complexity. But then I say that about most incense these days, especially Kyphis and compounded resins.

The book is on hold for now, obviously, and I honestly hadn't considered really digging into the work until January, when the anxiety of the holidays and the abrupt move are over. I got some feedback from a few of you reading this blog (which I GREATLY appreciate -- both the feedback and the fact that such intelligent human beings read this thing) about other types of incense I should be writing about. This adds the burden of studying and reading more books and researching more, but, hey, that's kind of my thing. I can really dig into a subject and get to the juicy, meaty bits, but unfortunately after I devour them, the information kind of seeps out of my head. I don't forget what I've learned, per se, but I do have to be reminded of them, a trigger must be pulled before the curtain obscuring the knowledge falls and, oh, there it is! That's where I hid that stuff! It's a good thing I'm writing it all down ~ ha!


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