Cheers to 2019

There is so much going on right now in my neck of the woods. I've got student evals coming out of my ears and I'm kind of struggling to get them all done in a timely manner. Doing anything in a timely manner while simultaneously scheduling distillations and all the work involved, working on the rough sketch of a new perfume, writing extra bits for the perfume course, revising WTBII, experimenting, and having a family and social life is getting to be a bit much. And there's Charlie, a never ending source of joy and frustration. There is some down time, lots of not-doing-anything, but that doesn't mean the brain isn't working on something. 

Meditations of late have produced some amazing ideas that will be coming to fruition this year. 

And I'm finally going to be getting things more organized. I found this store in the Bay Area that sells these nifty little glass apothecary jars for a song, so I bought an entire music book of them and have spent the last few days filling and cataloging them. I'm down to the bottom of the bag now, the last row of big jars, and I'm already feeling the urge to go back to that store and stock up. 

I'm thinking I want to write more about the experimentations and work that I do, rather than just sell the results. I've been tossing around the idea of starting a FB teaching platform for some of it. Or videos. Something. I hate selling stuff, but I love teaching about it. And I'm going to work on an alcohol-based perfume this year, maybe even two. I've already written down the bones of this perfume and it promises to be something rich and dark and melodious. I feel more focused than I have in years. I feel that the space I've created for growth has quadrupled in size since last year. It's become ever expanding, like the universe. 


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