Beautiful Stuff

Weird stuff is going on. Since pulling away from FB and paying more attention to what is going on irl, several things have happened. One, my body took in all the negativity that floats around this house and manifested it in a twingey two-day-long back thing. I'm not a huge drama queen when it comes to being in pain, but when that muscle in my lower back decided to lock up, it dropped me like a sack of potatoes -- twice -- once on the bathroom floor, and once on the kitchen floor. I absorb conflict and store it as physical pain. What a wonderful thing to have a gift for. Two, a friend who I owed a favor to sang praises about my goods on social media and there was a mad effing rush to the Etsy shop to pick up anything and everything that wasn't tacked down. I have to be honest and say that that could also have contributed to the back issue. Stress. Oh, no, I don't fear success, it terrifies me (apparently). And three, during those quiet moments, when the body wasn't screaming and the phone wasn't making those cha-ching sounds from the Etsy app, I had some time to work on some things, a new soap that I'm really loving, a new perfume oil that I'm caught up in. When I walk into the studio, I no longer have a feeling of discomfort that I should be doing something in there. I feel longing. I want to be in there, I want to drag out the bins full of resins that I haven't been able to mess around with in a while and put together something magical. Same with soap. Same with everything. I just want to make beautiful stuff. 

Third Wish Natural Soap


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