No Bueno

I've been slipping snippets of the Advanced Perfumers / Master Perfumery course into the currently running September course to sort of test it out, and so far, it is working. I'm fielding questions left and right about those course additions, and it feels pretty good. Google Alerts picked up our CPD announcement, the first time we've ever been there in all of these years, for the subject 'natural perfumery'. I've had that alert on for at least 10 years, and I gotta say, most of those announcements or whatever they are, are not about natural perfume at all. Most of them are about some big synthetic perfume conglomerate utilizing the latest technology (like headspace) using raw materials to collect and duplicate the molecules, or whatever it is they do. Smoke and mirrors stuff. 

The new incense is rolled and dusted and currently sitting under the awning to get the last bit of warmth from this mini heatwave we've been experiencing. I'm a stickler for conformity for rolled incense, so each piece is weighed before rolling. These were at 5.4 to 5.9 grams each wet, so hopefully, they will weigh 4.5 grams each, or thereabouts when they dry. Except for the pinyon pine resin, everything in them is from within 25 miles from where I'm sitting right now, some were farmed, and some were wild harvested.

This past Saturday, because it was so lovely and unseasonably warm here, I drove up to the mountains to see what there was to see and got a little harvesting done. Mostly fallen stuff because I really don't like mangling plants to get what I want. This trip yielded a little bit of oakmoss and cedar leaf with a few bibs and bobs of other stuff. It wasn't a real harvesting trip, so I didn't get a lot, just enough to play with. The mountains have been devastated by drought and an opportunistic beetle, so the dense forest is no longer thick, and the woodsmen are well on their way to clearing all the dead trees out and are currently running controlled burns to clean up the forest floor. It will never look the same again in my lifetime, or even my children's children's lifetimes. There was no snow, and typically, there are a couple of feet this time of the year. California recorded its second driest January ever in 2022. Even though we got blasted in November and December, gaining 150% of the average snowpack for the whole season, nothing has fallen since then, which is slowly whittling away at that overage. If we don't get rain/snow soon, we will face another year of severe drought and out-of-control fires, and I will be looking to migrate away from the West Coast.


  1. "...big synthetic perfume conglomerate..." ugh, lol... doing what? Lol, What?? smoke and mirrors for real. . . I kind of wonder what underpinnings of substance there even are up there, and if the con-gloms even know, or if the algorithm-a-'conomy done lost its own plot. Corporatizm So Surreal, lol. . . eh. . . anyway. . . .

    I'm glad the NPA is getting some real recognition. There is power in natural aromatics... respectful interaction with them changes and educates people in subtle, profound ways. I've been doing a lot of research and I believe they are a powerful catalyst for many things, notably the cooperative evolution of a compassionate interdependence and regenerative lifestyle. .... All pretty buzz-wordy, I know, but.... I'm working on it.

    Accessible Articulating, lol.

    I read all of your posts, and they really strike all the right chords. Am obsessed with incense again. "Incense art project," yes! Feeling something very orange blossom and myrrh as a direction this spring. "Enjoyment balanced by healthy recognition of grief," or something. "Community Catalyst, Go!"

    Lol, anyway,

    I would like to send you some of the Utah juniper resin I've been collecting. It is really interesting stuff... more like frankincense than anything else-- brittle, translucent gum-resin, with a very clean, clear scent. Am surprised not to find it talked about much at all on the web. Is there a preferred way to contact you directly so I can actually introduce myself as like a person and not a random internet stalker? lol. No pressure at all. You've just been a real beacon for me as I develop my aims over the last year and have been wanting to offer something 4free if it is of interest. (+&/pinyon, doug fir resins, etc.)

    Thanks for your writing, and for your good work with the people and the naturals, ++++.

    <3 :),

    1. Hey, Dav. Yeah, the Robertet and Givaudan and their ilk get picked up by that algorithm even if the word 'natural' is used once. 99% of the article is how they're using some new technology to mimic naturals. On the one hand, they buy up all of the rose production systems in France, Morocco, India, and Turkey, and on the other hand they try to find ways to ban lavender farms. It's difficult to see exactly what it is they're doing.

      Yes, NPA has struggled over the years with a sense of validity, within (unfortunately) and without. We decided if we were going to do this, we'd rather do it right through more traditional certification processes than to hitch our wagon onto yet another new, nothing, unreciprocating, unofficial certifying body out to make a quick buck. Basically, we did what we had to to go legit. I'm 100% with you there on the power of natural aromatics. Some really beautiful things have happened in my life that are all connected to that power.

      I would love to get an incense art project going, it's just that so much of my time is taken up with NPA and now TBS being sorted, that there isn't a lot of emotional capital left to spend on the idea. It may well be something I incorporate into TBS in the future.

      Ooh, I would love to try a small bit of this juniper resin you speak of. Honestly, I'm not aware of a big market for the sale of juniper resin. Could be an untapped resource. Could be it's just too difficult to harvest, or it could be endangered? I'll have to look into it as I know nothing. You can reach me at my biz email,

      Thank YOU for answering my call into the abyss of the web.



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