New Beginning

Giving myself permission to do what I really want to do, to step away from old ideas and toxic competition, has been such a freeing feeling. I feel like I shut a small door, and opened an enormous window of opportunity. I think I may have found a publisher, but I won't know for a few months. Again, I'm saying things that haven't happened yet, but I am hopeful, and this may be the last time I mention it, just to be on the safe side. 

There are three books in the works, along with updating the primary course at NPA. There hasn't been a major overhaul of the original NPA course content since 2017. With the lovely new layout, all of that old content needs refreshing too. And there is Tapputi. We rushed getting it into non-profit status, a bit of putting the cart before the horse, and we failed. Now we see a way forward, so she's back on track and will be getting a lot of attention in the next few months, so we can give her an official launch and begin to help our peers in a meaningful way. 

On October 27 I'm shutting down my Etsy shop. Maybe for a while, or maybe forever, I haven't yet decided. Since making this decision, well, read paragraph #1 here. It explains it all. 

We've put in the winter garden, I think it went in in mid-September, and right now everything is growing beautifully. The beans are climbing the fence and trellis, and the heirloom lettuces are floofy and fat and almost ready to harvest. The potatoes are going crazy, and the carrots and spinach, and kale look fantastic. Our autumn is like our spring, it's mild and never really gets bone-chilling cold. It's crazy out there. All during the summer, I fretted over the basil's survival, and this winter garden has all types of basil, and calendula, that have volunteered to grow all throughout the garden. 


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