Witches, Please

Yesterday I attended a long-awaited festival several hours from my home, the 6th Annual Witch & Wine Walk in Murphys, California. 

There were plenty of "witches", I mean, you literally couldn't walk down the damn sidewalk without a crowd of cackling, half-dressed, all-in-black people who were only a pair of fangs away from being a vampire slamming into you. The shops were nice once you got into them. There was some really beautiful pottery and a few skincare items, but not loads. It was pretty apparent that those artisan things weren't what the event was actually about. It was about those witches and all that sweet, sweet wine tasting. Yes, I know, it was all made clear in the title of the event, but there was supposed to be more to it. It was also heavily touted as a craft show and family event, and it was, kind of, but everyone in our little group became exhausted by it all after an hour spent dodging teetering witches who weaved in and out of the wine shops. Imagine spending all of that time and money on a kick-ass costume and make-up, just to fall down in the street, tearing your fishnets, skinning your knees, and exposing your bum bum for the world to see. Unfortunately, there were no magical medics in attendance to put some of these witches back together. 

I love Murphys, and I'm down for a bit of fun, but I don't think I'll go back to this event ever again. 


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