Buddha's Hand Citron Tincture: Evaporation to Extract

On the heels of the Yuzu Extract comes the slow and steady evaporation of Buddha's Hand Tincture, soon to be an extract as well. It took a bit of time to squirrel out the whole Buddha's Hand citron (there were two, a big one and a small one) from the Mason jar, but after snipping off some tentacles, some squeezing and pinching, and a few select swear words, the big hand finally popped out. The little one is more like a wee fist and had to be fished out. The tincture is surprisingly piquant, with some big tangy notes, more like I would have expected the Yuzu to smell when all was done. A month or two of slow evaporation, and this should provide a lovely golden yellow resin that I will spend four or five hours carefully scraping from the bottom and sides of the Mason jar and transferring to a small glass or compostable jar. The spent Buddha's Hand citron will be dried and powdered for incense. 


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