'Tis the Season of Soap


It's officially soap season. Recently I have been experimenting with a woodgrain effect in soap. This pic is a very poor example of it, not the results I was looking for, but close. Ish. A few more batches and I'll have it down pat. It has been years since I scoured the 'net for videos (YouTube, obvi) showing how to make soap, but I've been refreshing my skills of late and have discovered a lot of really great techniques and effects that have reignited the need to work on soap.  I even went so far as to order new tools, something I haven't done in ages. After several years of cutting soap on a wire cutter with 2/3rds of the wires missing, it has finally been restrung and is ready to swiftly and cleanly cut the hell out of soap. I bought a half dozen of those long-nosed measuring cups that are perfect for this woodgrain effect, as well as many other types of soap effects, and a new, single-bar adjustable cutter so there won't be as much waste with almost-the-right-size end cuts. I also purchased a few more soap loaf molds. Consistency, not my strong point, is the goal. 

I just realized I wrote that my old cutter is restrung to cut a whole loaf at once, and the new cutter cuts a single bar at a time. There goes the consistency bit. 


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