Teacher vs. Creator

So as I begin the season of work in preparation for offering up beautifully constructed natural perfumes, soaps, and incense (mustn't forget the incense) for the just-around-the-corner holidays, I reflect on what my work means to me, what is its purpose and function, and why am I doing it? I've said in the past that it is a compulsion, a need to 'see' if something contrived in my mind will work in the real world, a need to share what I discover, and an even more urgent need to see what's next as I dislike creating the same thing over and over again, which, I am told, is the key to a successful retail business. I am currently incubating a young person's desire to create a line of natural handmade soap. Without getting into too much detail, this is what I am good at. Great at, in fact. Coaching someone to success is a fulfilling endeavor, one which often makes me feel a bit envious at times. Why can't I do what they're doing? Why can't I be happy to make four or five "flavors" of something over and over, package them similarly, brand them perfectly and sell the hell out of them? The only logical reason I can find is that this bores me to tears.  The very idea makes me want to crawl back into bed and sleep until that feeling goes away. I can teach someone how to do it, I just can't -- er, won't -- do it for myself. I know how long it will take to become profitable, what kind of advertising is involved, what kind of day-to-day work (think 'grind' and 'tortuous' as this is what it is for me) to keep "up" there in the hearts and minds of the great people who buy, how much money needs to be invested, how to price retail and wholesale and distribution, when to hire help, how to set up payroll, all of that business-y stuff on top of the creative stuff, I just don't want to do it full bore because a.) it's boring, and b.) I can't make a commitment like this without loads of help and I won't accept help because I'm an unapologetic control freak. So I create in solitude with no intention of repeating (too much) the projects I work so diligently on, and I teach others how to be successful by not doing what I do -- hahahaha! 


  1. Oh my. I relate so much! Truly you have an uncanny way of putting into words so much of my life.


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