Yuzu Extract


Yuzu Extract - So this is the end result of months of very slow evaporation of a yuzu tincture. It smells just as good as it looks. The scent reminds me of candied citrus peels, but with a vibrant yuzu twist. Very bright, very clean, very citrusy and fresh, somewhat green, with some rich balsamic highlights. 

This is how it all started. Last winter, I think. I created a little yuzu video demonstrating how to peel, pith, and chop yuzu peel into alcohol that I've yet to upload anywhere. This is a still of the peel swimming around in alcohol, which went on for a few months, basically until the color went from this nearly clear yellow to a rich amber orange. Then the yuzu was sieved from the tincture and dried for use in incense. Then began the slow, months' long process of evaporating all of that alcohol out of the tincture until this happened ~

It's pretty. Like dark honey. 

This is what some natural perfumers love to do, create their own stillroom materials from plants they tend for months or years to obtain even the tiniest bit of aromatic beauty in the end. There are nearly 30 grams or so of this yuzu extract to play with in the coming months. The next tincture to go through this process is a two-year-old stewing of homegrown Buddha's hand citron. Pics to follow. 


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