The Ram Version 2.0


The Ram, version 2021, is almost ready to roll. Prior to going on vacation for two weeks, I concocted a near-identical version of The Ram 2018 in whole form, meaning the big bowl of herbs and roots haven't been ground to powder yet, nor has the four ounces or so of pure essential oils, absolutes, extracts, and waxes that have been brewing for nearly a month has been added. So everything's been soaking, wallowing, sploshing, luxuriating, basking, reveling in the copper party pot for a long while now. I'm really excited about this new version as I pulled all the stops for it -- premium quality raw materials through and through. The plan is to just create smoldering spheres of goodness rather than direct fire-lit cones or sticks. Creating cones and sticks of this composition is a pure pain in the arse and getting them perfect for self-combustion is a real workout of trial and error. Don't like it. Spheres allow the scent to linger longer, to fill a room with pure, unadulterated, uncharred, lushly wicked scent, just as it should be. The scent is out of this world -- comforting, calming, enveloping, animalic, sweet, warm, seductive, woody, rustic, real. Sexy. 


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