Uncle Doobie's Homespun Suds


Remember when I said I had a soapmaking student? Full disclosure, it was my son, and honestly, I didn't think it would go any further than a couple of terrible loaves of soap and then he'd lose interest, just as he has with a million other things he's tried, from music lessons to truck driving school. He's 26 and he acts as if the world really is his oyster, jumping from one experience to another with lightning speed, so color me surprised when he asked me to teach him how to make soap. This kid has had ZERO interest in doing what I do, and I've been doing it for his entire life. He approached me when a few of his long-time friends wanted soap -- from me -- and I didn't want to make soap for the small handful of  'dudes' who regularly use brands like Dr. Squatch or Lumberjack. I had the tools, I had the materials, so I thought, what the heck? Let's do it. He'll learn something, I'll have fun teaching him, and he'll move on to something else a day later.

But he didn't move on. He is now an absolute soapmaking junkie! He thinks, dreams, and obsesses over his soap, walking into a room and striking up a conversation about soap this or that. Being a perfectionist with a serious case of OCD, he's gone from loafing on the couch playing video games in his free time, to creating loaves of soap with all the seriousness of a heart surgeon. I hate to say this, but I think in some respects, he's a better soapmaker than I am. He's consistent, scheduled, researches everything single material he puts into his soap, and just yesterday he received his second box of essential oils to restock his current four soap offerings, with some samples for two more 'flavors' in the future, and he behaved as if he'd received a box from the gods. His current favorites? Rose geranium and rosewood leaf oils. 

I never thought I'd see the day when one of my kids would gork out over what I've been doing nearly all of their lives. 

I helped him set up his Etsy shop so his friends could more easily order his soap, and the name he chose for his business? Uncle Doobie's Homespun Suds. His vision? Something down to earth and natural, no-frills, no posturing, no bs. Oh, and he's been called Uncle Doobie by his nieces since they learned to talk. I'm sure you can figure out why. And now his friends want t-shirts with his logo on them! 

The reality, though, is that there is still a chance he loses interest in this too, but I have to admit, it's been fun watching him go through what I went through 20-odd years ago when the eo fire was lit under my bum. 


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