Bags and Tosses
Tossed (will toss) my online business for the better part of 2008 - alas, it shall return bigger and better, I promise.
Bagged an edition of Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin by Steffan Arctander for -- get this -- $85!!! Brand spanking new, hot off the press, and obviously listed at the wrong price on Amazon. These babies go for $349 through the publisher; can't find the reprinted editions at Amazon anymore, just the first editions that start at a shocking $800! As much as I'd like to recommend this to student perfumers, I cannot. I may have in the past, but I take it back now. It's cost prohibitive for a newbie. Buy everything else first, then when you're about two years in, buy Arctander. Or borrow it from a library.
Tossed my naivete about the integrity of some of the suppliers I've heralded out the door. If it looks like a skunk, smells like a skunk, and bats its monochrome tail like a skunk, then it's probably a skunk. Or a compound. 'Nuff said.
Bagged an edition of 'Une Vie au Service du Parfum' by Edmond Roudnitska. It's in French. I can't read French. Yet.
So that's it. For now.
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