Natural Perfume Academy Online Course

The Natural Perfume Academy, aka Nature's Nexus Academy of Perfuming Arts, is now accepting applications for the next year-long course round which starts May 2010.

Your tuition includes a 55+ essence evaluation kit and a completely updated workbook, and an essence blending kit of the most popular raw materials used in perfume making, as well as mentoring and tutor guidance, and course units which cover the topics of history, safety, glossary of terminology, perfumer's studio equipment, perfumer's palette of raw materials, notes, accords and chords, fragrance family classifications, evaluation methods, master code sheets for included evaluation kit, creation and composition of perfumes, trial studies, dilution facts, advanced perfumer's tools, information on tinctures, evulsions, infusions, et al, perfume strength, and much more.

For more information, contact Ruth here.


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