Inspired Work

Ah, you know you've reached a 'certain age' when your favorite radio station runs ads for Metamucil. 

It's been oddly 'cool' here lately, and I say that with some humor in the words as cool is relative as most people don't think that 91F is cool, but it is where I'm from. Typically, August runs hotter, around 102 to 107F, at least for a few days, but we've had a long string of  90s, low 90s, and yesterday we "only" got to 89, and that's been nice. I love it. The dogs and cats love it. The garden just adores it! It's not been as smoky lately either, so we've been able to open the front and back screened doors to allow some cross breeze to clear out the house in the mornings. It's been glorious, really. 

So, anyway, enough about the weather. 

I don't know what has gotten into me, maybe it's the cooler weather (sorry), or maybe it's the seasons changing, but I've been on a creative roll. By the time the Etsy shop opens later this month, there will be at least three new incenses there, and at least three new soaps. There is also that rose amber in the works that I keep vacillating between making it a solid or an oil. I can't make up my mind about it. It will get sorted and there will be an amber perfume in the shop soon as well. There is also the kernel of an idea for a green perfume, in oil, and maybe also in alcohol. I am being drawn to it. It's something that has been rattling around in my head for ages, years, actually, but I've never felt pushed enough to do it, but I do now. 

As for that person I am tutoring in their soap biz, they finally made a good batch worthy of selling. Their first batch was a bust. The recipe was read incorrectly and it was lye heavy, but the lesson there was that now they have a bag of laundry soap that smells absolutely delicious, and not everything needs to be seen as a failure. Their second batch is sold out, and they've started a pre-order strategy to be certain that all soaps created are quickly sold so there isn't anything lying around collecting dust. There is also a subscription box idea being floated that may help maintain that strategy. It's smart.

It's nearly time to go into the studio and massage the scent oils into the newest incense and dream up something newer. The work inspires more work. 


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