Day 42 ~ One Year, One Nose

From here on out, at least for the next few weeks, you'll be reading nothing on this blog but things about spring -- it has sprung!

Jasmine vine ~

I am such a flower 'ho. My mother and I recently went plant shopping and we both vowed that we would grow only those plants that can either feed us, heal us, or fill the air with a beautiful scent. I, of course, gravitated immediately to the jasmine polianthus ~ little vining starbursts of pink tinged white blossoms delicately waving in the near hurricane breeze. Mom and I rarely choose good days to shop plants. The wind was whipping and fat cold drops of rain were splatting hard on the ground -- I think we even got hail later in the day.

I digress . . .

I grabbed two -- a pink and a white blossomed jasmine to set on the front porch near the porch pillars, perhaps for incentive to climb. In the early mornings the scent of jasmine fills the air, rushing in when the front door is opened. It is a heavenly greeting, whether coming in or going out. In the evenings the scent becomes more intense, heady, cloying, intoxicating. I leave the front window open just a crack so the breeze blows the scent in.

There is a downside, though. Not everyone loves the scent of narcotic jasmine -- a visitor to the house stood on the porch as he was departing and said, "It smells like an old woman out here."



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